10 Major Responsibilities of Family in Addiction Treatment Recovery

Addiction is not alone in the disease of addiction; it is a family disease that engulfs the whole family as well. The destructive effect of Addiction impacts the minds and hearts of all family members, just like cancer spreads in all vitals of the body. The best strategy is to seek professional help from mental health specialists at the best addiction treatment center like Gulf Addiction Treatment Center. Such kind of drug rehab trains the family of drug addicts to work on themselves, in this way they can better help the addict to recover from the disease.

The rehabilitation center follows the philosophy of family training given by the book, ‘freeing someone you love from Addiction and Alcoholism.’ This book introduces ten major responsibilities of family members that need to be fulfilled while dealing with an addict.

Following, we are going to discuss the major responsibilities of the family of an addict.

Learn about Addiction Treatment and get Yourself Involved in Treatment:

The first and most important responsibility of the family is to learn about the disease of addiction from professionals. They didn’t know much about addiction and hence due to lack of information, they might have made some mistakes while dealing with the patient therefore addiction disorder of their loved one might have become complex. It is very important for the family to learn the basic and supportive concepts of addiction, which help the family to deal effectively with their patient.

Identify Unhealthy Behaviours:

As we discussed above due to unawareness, family members make some mistakes while dealing with an addict. There are two biggest mistakes that a family makes; these are enabling and provoking. Enabling is a helping attitude toward patients, a desire to make them protected from any harm caused by drug use, want to make them feel good, and feel loved by family members. Other behavior is provoking, which means dealing with patients disrespectfully and considering them as bad. The family is responsible for identifying both of these behaviors to make their patient recover successfully.

Unhealthy Behavioural Modification:

After identifying enabling and provoking behaviors, there comes the role of intervention in addiction treatment, that’s another responsibility of the family to stop these sick behaviors. As we discussed previously enabling and provoking are the mistakes that have been made by the family unknowingly,  Putting an end to these behaviors can play a crucial role in supporting the individual’s recovery journey and creating a healthier family dynamic. Professional training makes the family realize the consequences of enabling and provoking hence learning the intervention is a major behavioural medication to support the journey of recovery

Examine Addicted Thinking and Behaviours:

Due to a prolonged episode of addiction in their loved one, the family gets badly affected by the patient’s behavior. Due to that, they become mentally disturbed, such as getting resented for the treatment they get from the patient. They do not accept the reality that their loved one is suffering from a life-threatening disease or so on, but it is mandatory for families to examine and assess their sick thinking patterns, which makes them deny addiction as a disease. If they work on their Sick thinking patterns and resentments generated for the patient, they can help the patient in a better way.

Resolve Interpersonal Conflicts:

Family conflicts, broken families, and divided families are heaven for drug addicts, as they can use the enablers for the continuation of their drug addiction. Science highlights the unity of the family members in putting an end to the drug addiction of their patients. It’s very simple united front of the family may force the patient to quit drugs as the support system will vanish. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center is the best Rehabilitation Center for family training, setting up make-or-break family meetings, and teaching time-tested methods of preparing families and transforming lives.

Realistic Expectations:

Post addiction treatment family expects too much from the recovering patient which is not the right strategy immediately, expecting that all problems have been sorted out is quite unrealistic. Family must bear in mind that addiction is a chronic and primary disease which means that physical reasons still lie in the patient’s body and will stay there forever, however living within the regimens will ensure the recovery and healthy life. Hence family should support the patient and expect realistically.

Focus on your Daily Life for Addiction Treatment:

Professionals enable the families to write a family intervention to keep their focus on daily life. Due to the fear of the consequences of drug addiction, they roam around the addicts and keep on protecting them, which makes them physically and mentally exhausted. Most of the time family remains unable to focus on their business or profession, so it is their responsibility to divert their focus from the patient and be focused on their daily life, work, relationship, and their own health.

Be Armed to Prevent Relapse:

Addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease. Similar to all other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiac disease, drug addicts have the chance to relapse. However, the family of the patient can help the patient to prevent relapse if they fully follow the norms of treatment and instructions provided by Gulf Addiction Treatment Center, which is known as the best rehab in Islamabad. Family is required to be prepared as an armed force to prevent Relapse. It is one of the most important responsibilities of the family of addicts.

Emotional Control:

Family members of the patient get trapped in some emotional problems due to the lasting effects of addiction. Due to net emotional distribution, the family deals with patients with some unhealthy patterns, like provoking, enabling, and fear. The addiction rehab center teaches families to control their negative emotions deal with patients after emotional influence and feed the patient with a rational brain to produce better effects on the patient’s recovery.

Look for Addiction Treatment Progress:

The family of the patient usually appears impatient, which makes them look at the patient as completely recovered. This thought or expectation of the family diverts them from treatment. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center plays an important role in teaching families to look for progress instead of perfection because it takes time for the patient to get productive and sensible after coming into recovery.


Having an addict in the family and dealing with them is not an easy task to do. To make it scientific and less faulty, the family of the addict must acquire the above-mentioned skills. These skills increase the chances of making a recovery successful.

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