Crisis Intervention Teams | Gulf Addiction Treatment Center

One Of The Main Goals Of Crisis Intervention Is To Save Life By Bringing The Patient Into Drug Rehab

Male and Female patients, due to toxicity of substance abuse, usually not in sane mind to decided what’s action needs to be taken for their betterment, family decides, Gulf Addiction Treatment Center take action and together we save lives

What is a Crisis Intervention Team?

A Crisis Intervention Team is a team of paramedics, who are trained to bring drug addicts and psychiatric patients into the rehabilitation center for drug detox or psychiatric services

What are the goals of crisis intervention?

Drugs available in the market are mind-altering and bring changes in the mood and mind of drug addicts hence after some time drug addicts can no longer able to make rational and logical decisions. The biggest proof is that they discontinue studies if they are studying or don’t perform up to their potential, terminated from their job if they are working and destroy businesses if they are businessmen.

Stimulants like Cannabis (Charras) and Ice cause chemical-induced psychosis where patient lose touch with reality, apart from that, denial is very common among Alcoholics, also fear and ignorance prevails among Heroin and Opioid addicts, therefore, the family has to decide on the behalf of their patient as its 100% legal and acceptable in Pakistan because its life-saving decision.

Some of the goals of crisis intervention are saving the patient from acute toxicity of drugs, regaining the social status after treatment, resumption of studies, work and business once recovered, mending the relationships once sober and saving the life

goals of crisis intervention

What happens once the family has decided?

Once the family has decided to admit the patient either male or female to a rehabilitation center for drug rehab and psychiatric services then a competent team of paramedics can bring the patient to a drug addiction treatment center in Islamabad for immediate lifesaving treatment.

What if the patient is female?

The same principle applies to female patients, once the family is convinced that a female rehab center like ours is the right place for their girl, then a team of paramedics can bring her to our rehabilitation center in Islamabad. Following assurances will be provided to the family

  • In the case of female patients, female paramedics will accompany the team
  • Confidentiality and privacy of the female patient will be protected
  • Female Psychologist/Medical officer is available 24/7
  • Entrance of all female rooms are CCTV monitored 24/7
  • Our Women Rehabilitation Center in Islamabad is suitable for female patients

goals of crisis intervention

What if the patient has a psychiatric Disorder?

Patients with psychiatric disorders such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, ADHD, Depression and Anxiety can also be brought into a psychiatric Hospital like ours for the treatment of the above-mentioned disorders as their lethal form can be life-threatening. Both men and women can be treated in our drugs and psychiatric rehab. We have competent and licensed psychiatrists available every day. 


we are the best addiction treatment center in Islamabad as we have brought thousands of patients with the permission of their families and have saved uncountable lives and also made them productive.

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