Symptoms of Drug Addiction

The earliest sign of drug addiction’s harmful effect is the urge or need to use the drug regularly to function normally or we can say the person cannot function without it. In other words, it is the compulsion to feed the body with your choice of drug regularly, once a day or maybe multiple times a day depending upon the choice of drug.

Other harmful effects of drug addiction are:

  • Abusing prescription drugs
  • Urge to take more of the substance to achieve the same effects (often known as high tolerance)
  • Feeling low or weird once drug crashes
  • Sudden change of hobbies, lack of interest in work or studies
  • Funding drugs by foregoing other responsibilities
  • Always thinking of acquiring and using drugs
  • Failure to meet responsibilities after using the drug
  • Sleep disorders
  • Strained interpersonal social relations even with near and dear ones
  • Irritability, mood swings, and agitation
  • Always handing around drug peddlers, and other drug users and changing friends’ circle

Overcoming Amphetamine Addiction

Drug Addiction Harmful Effects

The above list is not exhaustive because drug addiction harmful effect is quite a complicated phenomenon and affects users differently. The same drug affects differently to different people differently, also different drugs affect differently to the same person but whatever the choice of drug is the end is the same devastation of drug addiction. The harmful effects of drug addiction are directly proportional to the period of drug use hence only solution is professional help or inpatient treatment in a drug addiction treatment center. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center in Islamabad is the solution to all kinds of drug addiction and psychiatric issues

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