treatment options for teens

Teenage drug use has gained acceptance in Pakistan. Drug addiction has affected teens in all income classes. The most affected groups are:

  • The rich class
  • Partygoers
  • College students
  • Factory workers

Drug addiction in Islamabad in teenagers is quite common. Reasons for this include

  • Easy access to drugs and alcohol,
  • The presence of upper-income group class in the city
  • Regular drug-fuelled events and parties in the city.

Other large cities in Pakistan are equally affected by drug addiction.

Causes Of Drug Addiction In Teens

Teenagers use drugs and alcohol to relax and lower their stress levels. Teenagers experiment while enjoying newly gained freedom. It’s likely for teens to come across drugs at parties due to social groups. Teens try drugs but some develop a dependency that requires intervention.

There are severe effects of teen drug usage. Using psychoactive drugs changes the brain’s reward system. The brain stops producing “feel good” chemicals without drugs.

In teenagers change of interest and hobbies is normal. Substance abuse causes the loss of interest in hobbies once used to enjoy.

Drug Addiction Treatment Options

Drug addiction affects growing children faster than adults. Treating drug addiction in teens requires an extensive approach. That Approach must address both the physical and mental aspects of addiction. Drug Rehab, therapists, and the family are mandatory in the process.

Below are some common drug addiction treatment options for teens:

1. Detox

Drug dependence requires detox to rid teen bodies of the substance. This is the first step in the treatment process. Medical supervision is required to manage the withdrawal symptoms.

2. Inpatient Rehab

Indoor treatment in a rehab provides a structured environment. Patients receive treatment, therapy, and counseling sessions.

3. Outpatient Treatment

 Outpatient programs allow teens to live at home while attending sessions. This is suitable for less severe addiction or post-inpatient treatment.

4. Counseling and Therapy

Teenagers with drug addiction can benefit from various treatment options. Below are some effective drug addiction treatment options for teens:

  • Personal and group sessions: These sessions allow teens to explore the underlying issues of their addiction. Therapists teach coping methods and strategies for managing cravings.
  • Therapy: It helps teens understand the root causes of their addiction. We use multiple therapies in this context. Every patient is different so is therapy.

5. Family Therapy

Family members in the treatment process are crucial for teens.

Family therapy

  • Improves connection within the family
  • Addresses family issues that may contribute to the addiction
  • Rebuilds family bonds
  • Heals strained ties
  • Provides support for both the teen and their family members

6. Support Groups

Support groups can be beneficial for teenagers in recovery. Some options include:

  • 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
  • Other social support groups focused on addiction recovery

Connection with peers fosters a sense of community and insight.

7. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medication treats co-occurring mental issues. Psychiatrists should monitor the use of medications in teens.

8. Academic and Vocational Support

Helping teens reintegrate into society after treatment is vital. This can involve:

  • Educational programs tailored to their needs
  • Job training events
  • Assistance with academic and career goals

9. Aftercare Planning

Aftercare planning is a crucial step in ongoing recovery. This may include:

  • Ongoing counseling or therapy sessions
  • Participation in support groups
  • Development of relapse prevention strategies

10. Holistic Therapies

Holistic approaches can address the well-being of teens in recovery. Some examples include:

  • Yoga and meditation for stress reduction
  • Art therapy as a creative outlet for emotions

Drug addiction treatment options for teens vary depending on the Patient’s condition. It’s crucial to seek professional advice for the recovery journey.

Visit our best drug rehab in Islamabad. We offer treatment programs tailored to the needs of each patient.

Writing Credits

Shahzad Choudhary

Project  Director

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center

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