Leading Alcoholism Treatment Center for Recovery and Support

We provide state-of-the-art Alcoholism Treatment Center facilities, which are built on modern lines not only on physical structure but on the availability of professionals and treatment facilities including alcohol detoxification, psychiatric evaluation for any underlying psychiatric disorder, 12-step treatment program, psychotherapy, group sessions, individual sessions, physical and spiritual recovery

Alcoholism or alcohol addiction is the excessive and recurrent consumption of alcohol to the point where the user hurts or harms themselves or others. The harm caused can be physical, mental, economic, or even legal. In most cases, the user loses control over their drinking habits.

Signs of an Alcoholism Problem

As mentioned in the introduction, Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a health condition where the patient’s indulgence in alcohol consumption results in distress or harm. The severity of the condition is dependent on several factors and ranges from mild to severe.

You might be suffering from alcoholism if you are experiencing any of the following signs:

  • Spending most of your time drinking alcoholic beverages
  • You cannot limit or control the amount of alcohol that you take
  • Avoiding contact with close friends
  • Craving alcohol during working hours
  • Overspending on alcohol
  • Prioritizing alcohol more than other important responsibilities
  • Increased depression, lethargy, and other emotional issues

Best Alcoholism Treatment Center In Islamabad

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center offers a wide variety of alcohol addiction treatment programs depending on the patient’s needs. Since different patients respond differently to specific forms of rehabilitation care, our professionals will devise the treatment program that best suits patient needs.

The treatment plan at our alcoholism treatment center integrates Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), twelve-step facilitation and mindfulness meditation, which has a strong evidence base of being the most effective treatment for not only alcoholism but also other types of addiction and their related disorders. The center also focuses on an individual’s physical fitness with the help of recovery yoga.

Moreover, what kind of treatment will an individual be rendered with, depends on the type of addiction he/she is suffering from, i.e. either a person is facing the problem of alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence. In general, AHC undermines alcohol addiction from its roots and that’s how we are different from other recovery & alcoholism treatment centers.

 Alcoholism Treatment Center

Mostly people suffering from alcohol addiction live in denial. They are not ready to face the reality that they could be suffering from an addiction and alcohol dependency problem. If your loved one or a friend is showing signs of addiction, you can always intervene to help them seek help.

During an intervention, family and alcoholism treatment center professionals have a vital role to play in convincing the patient or bringing the patient to the rehabilitation center against the will to restore the sanity and health and begin the much-needed treatment to pull the patient out of the life-threatening situation.

Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre

Inpatient alcoholism treatment programs offer a much-needed break from the everyday environmental triggers that might have enabled your alcohol abuse. In this program, the patient is admitted to a residential rehab facility where they are expected to stay until the completion of their treatment program.

At Gulf Addiction Treatment Center, we offer our patients a safe and peaceful environment where they can focus on recovery with ease. Once enrolled, the patient will undergo a personalized alcoholism recovery program designed to address unique needs.

The program starts with an intake assessment where the medical professionals evaluate mental and physical health. This helps figure out which treatment approach will be best for your condition. After that, we will draw up your weekly treatment plan, which will normally cover:

  • Alcohol addiction recovery
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Clinical case management
  • Individual therapy sessions
  • Group counseling and therapy
  • AA meetings

 Alcoholism Treatment Center
Aftercare Services

Aftercare is typically an extension of the main alcoholism treatment programs that are aimed at supporting rehab graduates to maintain a sober lifestyle. Some people find it challenging to maintain sobriety upon leaving the alcoholism treatment center, which is why it’s important that you enroll in an aftercare program.

Recovery is a life-long journey, and aftercare/ alumni programs are there to help you avoid the risk of relapsing. Most aftercare programs are a combination of individual, group, and evidence-based therapy sessions. Others will include the 12-step programs.

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