best cannabis addiction treatment center in Islamabad

best cannabis addiction treatment center in Islamabad

Best Cannabis Addiction Treatment Center in Islamabad, also known as marijuana, weed, pot, joint, or charas in Pakistan. It is a psychoactive drug that is used for recreational purposes. It originates from the Cannabis sativa plant. Weed can be smoked, eaten, or used as oil.

80% of people use marijuana without developing problems. 16% of the users develop some manageable mental and physical problems. Only 4% of the users turn to marijuana abuse and develop serious problems. We mention this situation as cannabis addiction.

Cannabis use can cause drug-induced psychosis. It may trigger the first episode of a psychotic illness, or make a pre-existing psychotic illness worse. People who have, or may be at risk of developing a psychotic illness should not use cannabis.


The best cannabis addiction treatment Center in Islamabad reported three types of cannabis. Below are the major types:


The most commonly used and least concentrated form. Dried plant leaves and flowers are the ingredients of it. The flowers are the most potent parts of the plant. The appearance of marijuana is like chopped grass. The color ranges from grey-green to greenish-brown. It is smoked in a pipe, or hand-rolled cigarette (joint)


Prepared from sticky dried cannabis resin. Available in the form of small blocks. The color range of these blocks is from light brown to nearly black. The concentration of THC is higher than in marijuana

Hash oil

it’s a thick, oily liquid extracted from cannabis resin. Its color range is from golden brown to black. It is sprayed on the tip or paper of cigarettes and then smoked. Hash oil is more powerful than the other forms of cannabis.


Cannabis affects differently on different people. Cannabis can be a stimulant, depressant, and hallucinogen. Mood or atmosphere impacts the effect of cannabis. Effects  of cannabis can last roughly two to three hours and may include:

  • Relaxation and wellbeing
  • Loss of self-consciousness
  • Concentration and memory issues
  • impaired perceptions of time, space, and distance
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Drowsiness
  • Increased appetite
  • Talkativeness
  • Red eyes
  • reduced coordination
  • Anxiety and paranoia

Larger doses or stronger forms of cannabis can enhance these effects, and can also cause:

  • Confusion
  • Restlessness
  • Feelings of excitement
  • Hallucinations
  • Anxiety
  • Detachment from reality
  • Nausea
  • Psychosis


Cannabis abuse can enhance a person’s existing psychotic symptoms. It may even cause psychotic symptoms in those people who have a history of psychosis.

Cannabis abuse can cause a condition known as cannabis-induced psychosis. Symptoms of psychosis persist until the effects of the cannabis wear off. Disorientation, memory problems, and hallucinations are common symptoms. The emergence of psychosis means engaging in the best cannabis addiction treatment center in Islamabad.


Teenagers who start smoking cannabis are more likely to have complications as a result.  Mental health complications are serious consequences of cannabis abuse. General life problems, like conflict at home, school, or work are quite common.


Regular use of cannabis leads to tolerance development. This means the person has to smoke larger quantities to get the same effect. Eventually, people become physically and psychologically dependent on cannabis.


The best way to avoid the negative effects of cannabis is to avoid cannabis. It is critical for people who have a family history of psychosis or experienced psychosis themselves.

Once physical and psychological dependence is evident only way forward is treatment. The options in the best cannabis addiction treatment center in Islamabad are detox and therapy.

Writing Credits:

Shahzad Choudhary

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center & Psychiatric Care

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