Practices in the best ice addiction treatment center in Islamabad

Best Ice Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad

What is Ice?

Best Ice Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad is a stimulant and psychoactive drug. The chemical name of ice is meth amphetamine. Once inhaled it stimulates the brain and nervous system. The appearance of this amphetamine is crystal in nature. It is known as crystal methamphetamine because of its appearance. Other names are crystal meth, glass, puff, cloud and ice.

Ice is the strongest form of methamphetamine. It is manufactured from pharmaceutical drugs and household chemicals. Ice is made in uncontrolled conditions with harmful ingredients. best Ice Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad is usually in small crystal form. Other forms are a white or brown powder with a strong smell due to impurities.

Methods of Ice Use

People smoke or inject ice, and the effects are immediate. Depending upon the method of consumption, the effects start:

  • Smoking (immediate)
  • Injecting (15 to 30 seconds)
  • Snorting (3 to 5 minutes)
  • swallowing (15 to 20 minutes)

The effects of ice last up to 12 hours of sleep problems stay for a few days after use.

How ice affects the body

All illicit drugs are risky and life-threatening. The effects of ice vary from person to person. Below factor determine the effects:

  • Quantity and strength of the dose.
  • Physical and mental condition.
  • A first-time user vs someone who has used it before

Short-term effects of ice

Ice is responsible for the mentioned effects

  • Dilated pupils and dryness of mouth
  • Over sweating
  • Feelings of euphoria and confidence
  • Teeth grinding
  • High in energy
  • increased libido
  • Itching and scratching
  • Fluctuation in heart rate and breathing
  • Low appetite
  • Damage to the nasal passage (from snorting)

Injecting ice and sharing needles increases your risk of:

  • Hepatitis C
  • Hepatitis B
  • Veins damage
  • Other Infection, such as tetanus

Ice Comedown Symptoms

Getting over ice use can take several days and the effects include:

  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Depressive Feelings
  • Irritability
  • Confusion, Hallucination, and Paranoia

During this stage, patients use benzodiazepines, cannabis, and opioids. To cope with coming down symptoms patients become dependent on all the drugs they use.

Ice Addiction Treatment

The best ice addiction treatment center in Islamabad provides below treatment options:


The first step in treating meth addiction is detox. It is the process of managing withdrawal under medical supervision. Withdrawal symptoms can be mild or intense. Including fatigue, depression, increased appetite, and cravings.

Talk Therapies

Therapists use CBT, CM, and MI as behavioral therapies. These therapies help patients understand the reasons behind their substance use. Therapies develop coping skills to deal with triggers and cravings.

Support Groups

Narcotics Anonymous or Crystal Meth Anonymous can provide precious peer support. These groups offer a sense of community and understanding among people who have faced similar struggles.

Best Ice Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad

There are no specialized medications for treating methamphetamine addiction. Some medications do support managing certain symptoms or co-occurring disorders. For instance anti-depressants for depression and anxiety. We are providing the best ice addiction treatment in Islamabad with medication and therapy.

Individualized Treatment Plans

Each patient’s journey to recovery is unique. So treatment should be tailored to their needs. This may include addressing underlying mental health issues. Improving social support networks, co-occurring substance use disorders.


Recovery from meth addiction is an ongoing process. Aftercare is essential for maintaining sobriety in the long term. This may include participation in therapy or support groups. Regular check-ins with a psychiatrist, and developing a healthy lifestyle.

It’s important for patients struggling to seek help from psychiatrists or addiction treatment specialists. We are one of the best ice addiction treatment centers in Islamabad. We strive for excellence every day for our patients. Recovery from ice addiction is achievable with support and treatment.

Writing Credits:

Shahzad Choudhary
Gulf Addiction Treatment Center & Psychiatric Care

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