Best Psychiatric Treatment in Islamabad

best psychiatric Treatment In Islamabad


Anxiety and depression are different kinds of mental health conditions. Depression causes sadness, hopelessness, and fatigue. Anxiety creates nervousness, worry, or fearful feelings. Both disorders are different but can coexist. Agitation and restlessness can be signs of both depression and anxiety.

Feeling anxious or depressed is normal in life. But when these feelings happen repetitively, you might have a disorder. These disorders are treatable thanks to advanced research.

Symptoms help in diagnosing either disorder or both. The same treatments work for anxiety and depression in certain conditions. We are providing the best psychiatric treatment in Islamabad. We treat both conditions in Psychiatric OPD and as an Inpatient treatment.


Below are treatment options for depression and anxiety:


Anti-psychotics treat disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar. They are not the first choice for depression and anxiety. These medications come in if standard treatments are ineffective. In some cases, doctors may prescribe them off-label.

Scenarios where neuroleptics are suitable

  • To enhance the response of anti-depressants
  • For psychotic depression
  • For depressive episodes in Bipolar disorder
  • Treatment-Resistant Cases


The best management is with anti-depressants and therapy. Psycho-therapy is talking to a psychologist to explore feelings. This can help people understand and manage their mental health conditions. CBT is a type of therapy. It focuses on changing negative thought patterns. It is used to treat depression and anxiety disorders.

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Inpatient treatment may stabilize severe symptoms. Psychiatric rehab is to ensure the safety of the patient. In severe depression, patients may turn to suicide. 24/7 supervision helps in restoring sanity and ensuring safety. We provide the best psychiatric treatment in Islamabad by managing lethal conditions.

Supportive Therapies

These therapies include group therapy and family therapy. These therapies can help patients cope with their mental health conditions. Such therapies are for the rehab of psychiatric disorders.

Alternative Approaches

Alternative approaches are not alternatives to the main treatment. They may supplement the recovery from depression and anxiety. Precaution is mandatory. Below are some alternative approaches

Mindfulness and meditation

Mindfulness and meditation can ease anxiety and depression symptoms. They can improve overall mental well-being and quality of life.


Yoga enhances well-being with postures, breathing, and meditation. It has been linked to reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Herbal supplements

Certain herbal supplements like St. John’s and Kava have shown promise in treating psychiatric disorders. Their safety and potency can vary from patient to patient.


Acupuncture is inserting needles into specific points on the body. It is effective for treating depression and anxiety disorders.

The recovery from depression and anxiety is a roller coaster. Different treatments work distinctly on different Patients. It is frustrating for the patients suffering and trying different approaches.

Anti-depressants and therapy are traditional approaches. Discuss neuroleptics with a psychiatrist. These discussions should review benefits and risks.

We are providing the best psychiatric treatment in Islamabad. The patients are under the supervision of a psychiatrist on a 24/7. Various aspects of the disorder may emerge during indoor rehab.

Writing Credits:

Shahzad Choudhary

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center & Psychiatric Care

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