Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Best Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad

Best Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad

What are benzodiazepines?

They are a class of medicines that only doctors prescribe. These medicines calm down the nervous system and help in relieving insomnia. Best Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad These medicines are the short-term treatment.

Benzos are a choice in the mentioned conditions:

  • In Treatment of the symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders
  • To relieve insomnia
  • Provide relief in symptoms experienced by cancer patients
  • Treat epilepsy
  • To relax muscles during doctor’s procedures (such as endoscopy)
  • Help in alcohol withdrawal management

Types of benzodiazepines

Benzos are of three types – long-acting, medium, and short-acting. Short-acting benzos are more addictive. They have a stronger withdrawal and ‘come down’ effect. Various companies make these chemicals and sell them under different brand names.

How benzodiazepines work

We know that Benzodiazepines suppress the central nervous system. These properties of benzos slow down the messaging between the brain and body. These medications only treat symptoms of anxiety and insomnia. Benzos do not treat the underlying causes of these conditions.

Precaution is important in using benzos. They are addictive even though prescribed by a competent doctor. Recreational use is dangerous in all situations.

People should understand that benzos play only a short role in any treatment. Prescription of these drugs is just for a few days or a week at a time. Benzo has a short role in other treatments that provide long-term relief

Benzodiazepines are used to support the treatment of insomnia, stress, and anxiety. They enhance the success of other long-term treatments including:

  • Talk therapies – such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)
  • Stress Reduction Techniques (breathing or relaxation exercises)
  • Self-esteem-building technique
  • Lifestyle adjustments ( healthy eating or physical activity)
  • Problem-solving exercises

Benzodiazepines Addiction

In Pakistan controlled drugs are available over the shelf. People use them illegally for recreational. They use them for euphoria or after taking stimulants.

If mixed with other drugs, benzos can be dangerous. It may put you at risk of overdose or death. It is common in Pakistan to continue medicines once prescribed. Due to illiteracy, people become benzo addicts in Pakistan. For most, it becomes sleeping pills or is described as sleeping pills addiction.

How benzodiazepines affect the body

The effects depend on the dose quantity and the person’s physical and mental condition. Common effects include:

  • Relief from anxiety
  • High Feeling
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Dryness of mouth
  • Dilated eyes
  • Running nose
  • impaired cognitive functions
  • muscle relaxation
  • sleepiness or laziness
  • Detached from reality
  • Headache
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • lack of conscious

Long-term effects of benzodiazepines

Benzos abuse regularly can lead to serious health issues, including:

  • Memory Loss
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Aggression
  • Paranoid
  • Change of lifestyle
  • Lethargic and demotivated
  • Fatigued and lazy
  • Difficulty sleeping even after a high dose of pills
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Skin rashes and weight gain
  • Dependency
  • Withdrawal symptoms if discontinued

Benzodiazepine dependence and tolerance

We are the best benzodiazepine addiction treatment center in Islamabad. We have treated hundreds of patients with benzos dependence and abuse. Regular use leads to physical and mental dependence. People may feel they need the benzos to function.

Users can develop a tolerance quickly; they may need larger doses to achieve the same effect. Some may experience tolerance development within a few days. Over time, the body starts depending on benzodiazepines to function.

Best Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad

We are the best benzodiazepine addiction treatment center in Islamabad. Treatment options may include

  • Medical detox under the supervision of specialists. This stage belongs to physical and mental withdrawal management. This is a painless process in our rehab center.
  • Individual and group therapy is for the resolution of individual and common issues. Common issues are those which develop due to benzos abuse. Personal issues were the reason for which benzos were prescribed.
  • Peer support is required after the treatment. Community support helps in managing post-treatment adaptation.

Precaution is required when deciding about treatment centers. Some treatment centers are also responsible for benzos dependence. Only choose the best benzodiazepine addiction treatment center in Islamabad or elsewhere.

Best Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad Read More »

Best Ice Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad

Practices in the best ice addiction treatment center in Islamabad

What is Ice?

Best Ice Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad is a stimulant and psychoactive drug. The chemical name of ice is meth amphetamine. Once inhaled it stimulates the brain and nervous system. The appearance of this amphetamine is crystal in nature. It is known as crystal methamphetamine because of its appearance. Other names are crystal meth, glass, puff, cloud and ice.

Ice is the strongest form of methamphetamine. It is manufactured from pharmaceutical drugs and household chemicals. Ice is made in uncontrolled conditions with harmful ingredients. best Ice Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad is usually in small crystal form. Other forms are a white or brown powder with a strong smell due to impurities.

Methods of Ice Use

People smoke or inject ice, and the effects are immediate. Depending upon the method of consumption, the effects start:

  • Smoking (immediate)
  • Injecting (15 to 30 seconds)
  • Snorting (3 to 5 minutes)
  • swallowing (15 to 20 minutes)

The effects of ice last up to 12 hours of sleep problems stay for a few days after use.

How ice affects the body

All illicit drugs are risky and life-threatening. The effects of ice vary from person to person. Below factor determine the effects:

  • Quantity and strength of the dose.
  • Physical and mental condition.
  • A first-time user vs someone who has used it before

Short-term effects of ice

Ice is responsible for the mentioned effects

  • Dilated pupils and dryness of mouth
  • Over sweating
  • Feelings of euphoria and confidence
  • Teeth grinding
  • High in energy
  • increased libido
  • Itching and scratching
  • Fluctuation in heart rate and breathing
  • Low appetite
  • Damage to the nasal passage (from snorting)

Injecting ice and sharing needles increases your risk of:

  • Hepatitis C
  • Hepatitis B
  • Veins damage
  • Other Infection, such as tetanus

Ice Comedown Symptoms

Getting over ice use can take several days and the effects include:

  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Depressive Feelings
  • Irritability
  • Confusion, Hallucination, and Paranoia

During this stage, patients use benzodiazepines, cannabis, and opioids. To cope with coming down symptoms patients become dependent on all the drugs they use.

Ice Addiction Treatment

The best ice addiction treatment center in Islamabad provides below treatment options:


The first step in treating meth addiction is detox. It is the process of managing withdrawal under medical supervision. Withdrawal symptoms can be mild or intense. Including fatigue, depression, increased appetite, and cravings.

Talk Therapies

Therapists use CBT, CM, and MI as behavioral therapies. These therapies help patients understand the reasons behind their substance use. Therapies develop coping skills to deal with triggers and cravings.

Support Groups

Narcotics Anonymous or Crystal Meth Anonymous can provide precious peer support. These groups offer a sense of community and understanding among people who have faced similar struggles.

Best Ice Addiction Treatment Center In Islamabad

There are no specialized medications for treating methamphetamine addiction. Some medications do support managing certain symptoms or co-occurring disorders. For instance anti-depressants for depression and anxiety. We are providing the best ice addiction treatment in Islamabad with medication and therapy.

Individualized Treatment Plans

Each patient’s journey to recovery is unique. So treatment should be tailored to their needs. This may include addressing underlying mental health issues. Improving social support networks, co-occurring substance use disorders.


Recovery from meth addiction is an ongoing process. Aftercare is essential for maintaining sobriety in the long term. This may include participation in therapy or support groups. Regular check-ins with a psychiatrist, and developing a healthy lifestyle.

It’s important for patients struggling to seek help from psychiatrists or addiction treatment specialists. We are one of the best ice addiction treatment centers in Islamabad. We strive for excellence every day for our patients. Recovery from ice addiction is achievable with support and treatment.

Writing Credits:

Shahzad Choudhary
Gulf Addiction Treatment Center & Psychiatric Care

Practices in the best ice addiction treatment center in Islamabad Read More »

best alcohol treatment center in islamabad

The Best Alcohol Addiction Treatment Practices

What is Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction is also known as Alcohol use disorder (AUD). AUD is the consumption of alcohol even though it has negative effects. Alcohol addiction is chronic, progressive, and fatal. AUD is the consumption of more alcohol to get the same effect. Facing withdrawal symptoms if avoiding consumption is another sign.

Causes Of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

The causes of alcohol addiction are not yet fully established. It is not fully clear why some people develop AUD and others don’t. Drinking is not the sole reason for alcohol addiction. Millions drink alcohol without any notable problems. Genetics, cognition, and environment are responsible.

What Is Inpatient Alcohol Treatment?

Inpatient alcohol treatment is a structured and intensive treatment program. It helps patients recover from alcohol use disorder. Inpatient treatment is known as residential alcohol rehab.

Attributes Of Inpatient Alcohol Treatment

Below are key features of the best alcohol treatment in Islamabad.

Assessment and Analysis

    Upon admission, patients undergo an exhaustive assessment. It is to determine the severity of their alcohol use disorder. Rehab documents the mental health issues and contributing factors. Assessment tailors treatment plans based on the patient’s condition

    Medical Supervised Detox

    For patients dependent on alcohol, inpatient programs provide detox. Detox helps manage withdrawals and ensure a safe transition to sobriety. We are the best alcohol treatment center in Islamabad. We are providing smooth detox under the supervision of specialists.

    24/7 Medical Monitoring

    Alcohol Addiction detox is a sensitive stage of the treatment. Inpatient facilities offer 24/7 medical supervision, including monitoring vitals and adjusting medications.

    Behavioral Therapy For Alcohol Abuse

    In inpatient care, you have meetings with trained therapists. These sessions can be in groups or one-on-one. Group sessions focus on the alcohol addiction causes. It helps in developing insight and recovery strategies. The Focus of the sessions is mental and behavioral issues.

    Structured Schedule

    Inpatient programs have a structured daily routine, including Psychiatric, therapy, and academic activities. Leisure time and other therapeutic sessions are available. This structured environment helps patients establish a disciplined life.

    Treatment Program

    Many hospitals provide special programs for treating alcohol use disorder. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center educates indoor patients with a 12-step program. To equip patients with disease, relapse prevention, and coping skills. Sessions empower patients with knowledge to support their ongoing recovery.

    Holistic Approaches

    The best alcohol treatment center in Islamabad incorporates holistic approaches. These approaches address the mind, body, and spirit. Meditation and holistic modalities complement traditional methods.

    Family Involvement

    Alcohol Rehab engages family members in the process. Such engagement is through family therapy sessions. Family support plays a crucial role in the patient’s overall recovery.

    Follow-up or Aftercare

    A good inpatient program includes thorough aftercare planning. It supports recovering alcoholics to transition back to their lives. This includes referrals to outpatient treatment, support groups, and therapy.

    When choosing a treatment center, consider critical factors. A facility’s accreditation is vital for ensuring standards. Other factors are Staff degree, treatment modalities, and the success rate. Ensuring that the center provides a therapeutic environment is critical.

    Kindly Visit us. We are one of the best alcohol treatment centers in Islamabad.

    Writing Credits:

    Shahzad Choudhary

    Gulf Addiction Treatment Center & Psychiatric Care

    The Best Alcohol Addiction Treatment Practices Read More »

    best psychiatric Treatment In Islamabad

    Best Psychiatric Treatment in Islamabad


    Anxiety and depression are different kinds of mental health conditions. Depression causes sadness, hopelessness, and fatigue. Anxiety creates nervousness, worry, or fearful feelings. Both disorders are different but can coexist. Agitation and restlessness can be signs of both depression and anxiety.

    Feeling anxious or depressed is normal in life. But when these feelings happen repetitively, you might have a disorder. These disorders are treatable thanks to advanced research.

    Symptoms help in diagnosing either disorder or both. The same treatments work for anxiety and depression in certain conditions. We are providing the best psychiatric treatment in Islamabad. We treat both conditions in Psychiatric OPD and as an Inpatient treatment.


    Below are treatment options for depression and anxiety:


    Anti-psychotics treat disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar. They are not the first choice for depression and anxiety. These medications come in if standard treatments are ineffective. In some cases, doctors may prescribe them off-label.

    Scenarios where neuroleptics are suitable

    • To enhance the response of anti-depressants
    • For psychotic depression
    • For depressive episodes in Bipolar disorder
    • Treatment-Resistant Cases


    The best management is with anti-depressants and therapy. Psycho-therapy is talking to a psychologist to explore feelings. This can help people understand and manage their mental health conditions. CBT is a type of therapy. It focuses on changing negative thought patterns. It is used to treat depression and anxiety disorders.

    Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

    Inpatient treatment may stabilize severe symptoms. Psychiatric rehab is to ensure the safety of the patient. In severe depression, patients may turn to suicide. 24/7 supervision helps in restoring sanity and ensuring safety. We provide the best psychiatric treatment in Islamabad by managing lethal conditions.

    Supportive Therapies

    These therapies include group therapy and family therapy. These therapies can help patients cope with their mental health conditions. Such therapies are for the rehab of psychiatric disorders.

    Alternative Approaches

    Alternative approaches are not alternatives to the main treatment. They may supplement the recovery from depression and anxiety. Precaution is mandatory. Below are some alternative approaches

    Mindfulness and meditation

    Mindfulness and meditation can ease anxiety and depression symptoms. They can improve overall mental well-being and quality of life.


    Yoga enhances well-being with postures, breathing, and meditation. It has been linked to reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

    Herbal supplements

    Certain herbal supplements like St. John’s and Kava have shown promise in treating psychiatric disorders. Their safety and potency can vary from patient to patient.


    Acupuncture is inserting needles into specific points on the body. It is effective for treating depression and anxiety disorders.

    The recovery from depression and anxiety is a roller coaster. Different treatments work distinctly on different Patients. It is frustrating for the patients suffering and trying different approaches.

    Anti-depressants and therapy are traditional approaches. Discuss neuroleptics with a psychiatrist. These discussions should review benefits and risks.

    We are providing the best psychiatric treatment in Islamabad. The patients are under the supervision of a psychiatrist on a 24/7. Various aspects of the disorder may emerge during indoor rehab.

    Writing Credits:

    Shahzad Choudhary

    Gulf Addiction Treatment Center & Psychiatric Care

    Best Psychiatric Treatment in Islamabad Read More »

    Best Rehabilitation and Healthcare in Islamabad

    Analysis of Best Rehabilitation and Health Care Centers

    We are living in a country where everybody is looking for shortcuts. In that environment, it’s hard to understand the ongoing nature of drug addiction recovery. Everyone seeks the Best Rehabilitation and Healthcare in Islamabad for effective drug addiction treatment. Accepting that recovery is slow and long-term is challenging. Recovery is a Journey in the right direction, not a destination

    We are the best rehabilitation and healthcare center in Islamabad. We teach that when a person starts doing drugs, pleasure comes first and pain later. In the drug recovery process pain comes first and pleasure later.

    Recovery requires serious dedication from all stakeholders. This treatment is all about letting go of the past. Learning new skills and adapting to the new ways of living. 

    Below are some time-tested strategies:


    Post-crisis, addicts, and families should learn about drug addiction treatment. Dozens of researches have proved the

    • Relationship between substance abuse and traumatic childhood
    • Trauma root cause of addiction in a significant number of cases
    • The connection between PTSD and addiction

    The patient and family need time to heal childhood wounds. The patient needs to follow the structured treatment program. They have to understand the disease and plan recovery. The chronic nature of the disease means it will stay forever. Patients need to live according to the regimens of the treatment. If patients break regimens, the threat of relapse is imminent.

    Families and patients may struggle with the disease’s primary nature. Families and patients blame external factors for addiction. External factors may trigger drug addiction but are not the primary cause. It develops when the metabolism can’t handle the chemicals in drugs. This causes drug addiction, tolerance, toxicity, and psychosis. This metabolic error is the primary reason for the disease.

    The progression of the disease is an aspect that is important to consider. This means that the disease is not static; it will keep on getting worse. An increase in frequency and quantity, and lack of treatment can make the problem worse.

    Lastly, drug addiction is potentially fatal. This means if drug abuse is continued it will lead to painful death. Reject street knowledge and embrace research for effective addiction treatment.

    Gulf Addiction Treatment Center is the best rehabilitation and healthcare center because we follow a successful treatment model for smoother recovery. 


    The next strategy is to surrender and accept the disease. The family needs to disregard the will of the patient as the patient may not be capable of any logical decision. Family leaving on the patient’s will may not get the right answers. They will keep on managing the troubles caused by the patient. It’s a lose-lose strategy family will lose time and the patient may lose life.

    We educate our patients to surrender their will to the higher powers i.e. God, family members, mentors, or therapists for the right advice.


    Before rehab, families exhaust all options.  They have helped their loved ones overcome chemical dependency but without success. What finally works is Treatment.

    Why does the treatment work? Because treatment philosophy is a time-tested and hard-core scientific approach. Science remains unbiased. Anybody following the science will have similar results every time.

    We provide science-based training to the patients. We teach approaches that make the recovery smooth and with fewer setbacks.


    Training the families is the norm for the Best Rehabilitation and Healthcare in Islamabad. Cooperation of families before, during, and after the treatment is vital. The family has a key role in making the treatment successful. That is the reason all family members should get training for providing therapeutic support to the patient.


    Drug addiction spoils everything education, work, business, and relationships. Patients are left with nothing but just to abuse substances for 24 hours. Alcohol Addiction makes the person drunk or in a hangover most of the time. Opioid addiction makes the addict with impaired cognitive functions. Meth addiction cause psychosis, patient’s life becomes unmanageable.

    Patients in the Gulf Addiction Treatment Center follow a disciplined routine. This starts with morning prayers and yoga sessions. Then we conduct group therapy, spiritual healing, and personal sessions. Maintaining discipline aids recovery and eases post-withdrawal pressure.

    Substance abuse disorder is life-threatening. Devising strategies for successful addiction treatment is a crucial step. Traumatic childhood and mental health issues drag patients toward drug addiction. Porn, gambling, and racing addictions can stem from a traumatic childhood, indicating underlying mental health issues. Therefore, accepting the science-based treatment program is a critical step in the recovery journey.

    Come visit one of the best rehabilitation and healthcare centers in Islamabad and enlighten yourself.

    Writing Credits

    Shahzad Choudhary Gulf Addiction Treatment Center

    Analysis of Best Rehabilitation and Health Care Centers Read More »

    Depression Treatment In Islamabad

    Depression treatment At Gulf Addiction Treatment Center

    What is depression?

    Depression Treatment In Islamabad is a mental health disorder. Tendencies include hopelessness and disinterest. It can affect how you think, feel, and handle routine activities. It can lead to various emotional and physical problems. Depression can be severe or mild. It can be a temporary or a persistent condition.

    Symptoms of Depression

    Some common symptoms of depression include:

    • Persistent sadness or feeling empty
    • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
    • Changes in appetite or weight
    • Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or oversleeping
    • Fatigue or lack of energy
    • Feelings of guilt
    • Difficulty focusing or making decisions
    • Thoughts of death or suicide

    Depression Treatment

    Depression treatment in Islamabad includes the following approaches:

    Talk Therapy

    Therapists use cognitive (CBT) and interpersonal (IPT) therapies. These therapies can identify and change negative thoughts.


    Severe depression symptoms may require antidepressants.  Such symptoms include suicidal thoughts, self-harm and aggression. A psychiatrist may prescribe medications such as SSRIs and SNRIs.

    Lifestyle Changes

    Depression may make the person fatigued, lazy, and antisocial. Exercise breaks depressive thoughts. At the same time, regular exercise can improve mood and sleep.


    Meditation and relaxation techniques help manage stress. Meditation helps clear the mind. It answers so many questions coming into our minds. Morning meditation benefits persistent depression.

    Support Groups

    Support groups can provide uplifting and a sense of community. Peer groups and support group provides precious coping mechanisms. It gives hope that life is normal when depression is under control.

    Alternative Therapies

    Alternative therapies are support to the main treatment, not the substitute. Therapies like acupuncture, yoga, and aroma therapy are helpful.

    Hospital Services

    For depression treatment in Islamabad, there are hospitals and clinics. Such setups offer inpatient and outpatient psychiatric services.

    Depression is a common disorder, and it can affect anyone. People with depression need to work with medical professionals. Each patient needs unique treatment plans. Depression treatment in Islamabad offers outpatient and inpatient options. Support is available for anyone suffering in your surroundings.

    Writing Credits

    Shahzad Choudhary

    Project Director

    Gulf Addiction Treatment Center and Psychiatric Care

    Depression treatment At Gulf Addiction Treatment Center Read More »

    youth mental health services


    Substance Abuse and Mental health issues among teens are on the rise in Pakistan. Daily, we get calls from frightened parents shocked to discover their child’s substance abuse. Drug peddlers target schools and colleges in Islamabad. The worrying development is that drug addiction among students is becoming a lifestyle. Both boys and girls in elite schools and colleges indulge in substance abuse.

    The side effects of drug addiction in students (teens) are multifaceted. Physical damage in teens is more than in adults since teen bodies are still growing. Academic damage is significant as students may not secure good grades and may develop low self-esteem.

    This blog helps parents of teens with substance abuse or mental health issues.  Better insight would help prevent and acquire youth mental health services.


    We have worked for 25 years in one of Islamabad’s best youth mental health services centers. We have experienced the below-mentioned reasons for mental health issues and drug addiction in teens.

    • Social Acceptance and peer pressure
    • Get good feelings
    • Better Feeling (academic pressure, mental health)
    • Better athletic performance
    • Thrill
    • Dysfunctional family (separation, single parent,  broken family)
    • Domestic violence in the family
    • Childhood trauma & difficult childhood
    • Family history of drug addiction
    • Rejection, ignorance, and violent behavior of the parent


    Teens are carefree and may exhibit symptoms of drug abuse instantly. Symptoms may include mood swings, physical outlook, personal hygiene, and change of hobbies. Parents should communicate in a positive environment upon noticing symptoms.

    Behavioral signs

    • Strained relationship with family
    • Change of friends
    • Shift of hobbies and interests
    • Low attendance at school or college
    • Suspicious activities
    • Abnormal study or sleep pattern
    • High and low energy moods

    Physical Signs

    • Weak immune system, frequent infections
    • At times Slurred speech
    • Nasal secretions or nasal bleeding
    • weight loss
    • Skin bruising
    • Nausea, vomiting
    • Breathless and tired


    Teen brains, still developing, are more prone to substance abuse, potentially disrupting normal growth. They may experience serious problems stemming from drug addiction. Below are some effective ways to prevent drug addiction.

    Schools and College Support

    Schools and colleges can help prevent teen drug addiction by cutting drug supply on campuses. Academic institutions can conduct cognitive testing of students, and identify mental health issues linked to drug addiction.

    Family Support

    Early upbringing can play a vital role in shaping a teen’s future behavior. Adverse family situations can create psychological challenges for teens. Parents should shield children from domestic issues for their well-being. Families can also prevent drug addiction in teens by offering support and open discussions.

    Medical Support

    Parents should see a doctor to notice signs of teen drug use or psychiatric issues. Contacting a student counselor, or psychologist is advisable. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center treats drug addiction and youth mental health issues.


    Youth mental health services are available in Pakistan, but teenage treatment is a sensitive matter. Treating young ones alongside older patients may risk exposing them to sexual abuse, inept ties, and drug use. Treatment programs for teens should be individualized and may match teenage needs. It may include drug detox, CBT, and family therapy. 

    Family therapy

    It is therapeutic that families inform the teen on how his drug addiction affects his family. Young patients and families can engage to foster ties and open talks about mental health and concerns during treatment.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

    Cognitive Behavioral therapy addresses teen drug use by identifying the problematic behaviors. CBT helps in coping with high-risk situations, peer pressures, academic pressure, domestic issues etc.

    12 steps treatment program

    We provide precious training in a 12-step treatment program for teens. They learn the necessary tools and techniques to quit substance abuse and cope with mental health issues. 

    Finding the best youth mental health services in Islamabad is quite challenging. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center and Psychiatric Care has unique pride in treating hundreds of teens with drug addiction and psychiatric issues. Visit our drug rehab and enlighten yourself

    Writing Credits:

    Shahzad Choudhary

    Project Director

    Gulf Addiction Treatment Center & Psychiatric Care

    +92 300 1561495


    rehabilitation center rawalpindi

    Why Choose Indoor Treatment for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

    “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” – Muhammad Ali

    We are a rehabilitation center in Rawalpindi and have treated thousands of patients. We are treating all kinds of drug addicts and psychiatric patients. Inpatient drug addiction treatment sounds difficult at first. But it is much safer, better, and more successful than outdoor. Patients are at risk of relapse every minute when taking treatment outdoors. Below are some critical benefits:

    Group Therapy

    Inpatient treatment allows learning from fellow patients. Group therapy helps realize that everybody suffers from addiction.

    No Triggers

    Indoor rehab provides knowledge to gain sobriety from addiction. Indoor care reduces relapse risk in treatment. Lastly, knowledge gained during indoor treatment guides your lifetime

    Less Stress

    Inpatient treatment is a recovery heaven. Indoor rehab offers meals, care, support, and activities for healing.

    24-Hour Care

    Recovery is not easy. Whether physical or emotional, you need 24/7 support and treatment during detox. Inpatient treatment in drug rehab provides 24/7 medical, paramedic, psychiatric, and mental support

    Daily and Weekly Schedules

    The approach involves treatment-based scheduling for gentle recovery. We offer a relaxing yet busy routine to reclaim your life with a therapeutic schedule.

    Support after you Return Home

    Your journey starts with us and does not end after you leave—aftercare and referrals from AA and NA aid recovery post-stay.

    Yoga Therapy

    Physical exercises have a role in faster recovery. Recovery from anxiety, rejuvenation of body functions. Regain of overall health, sleep, and stable mood. Our rehabilitation center in Rawalpindi has special arrangements for that.

    Spiritual Healing

    Focus on spiritual healing for recovery from mental disorders is not new. However, a fusion of drug addiction treatment and spiritual healing has produced good results. We have dedicated additional time for spiritual healing in our schedule.

    Ideal Location

    We are the best rehabilitation center in Rawalpindi. We’re within walking distance of hospitals for additional medical support.

    Writing Credits:

    Shahzad Choudhary

    Project Director

    Gulf Addiction Treatment Center

    Why Choose Indoor Treatment for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Read More »

    treatment options for teens


    Teenage drug use has gained acceptance in Pakistan. Drug addiction has affected teens in all income classes. The most affected groups are:

    • The rich class
    • Partygoers
    • College students
    • Factory workers

    Drug addiction in Islamabad in teenagers is quite common. Reasons for this include

    • Easy access to drugs and alcohol,
    • The presence of upper-income group class in the city
    • Regular drug-fuelled events and parties in the city.

    Other large cities in Pakistan are equally affected by drug addiction.

    Causes Of Drug Addiction In Teens

    Teenagers use drugs and alcohol to relax and lower their stress levels. Teenagers experiment while enjoying newly gained freedom. It’s likely for teens to come across drugs at parties due to social groups. Teens try drugs but some develop a dependency that requires intervention.

    There are severe effects of teen drug usage. Using psychoactive drugs changes the brain’s reward system. The brain stops producing “feel good” chemicals without drugs.

    In teenagers change of interest and hobbies is normal. Substance abuse causes the loss of interest in hobbies once used to enjoy.

    Drug Addiction Treatment Options

    Drug addiction affects growing children faster than adults. Treating drug addiction in teens requires an extensive approach. That Approach must address both the physical and mental aspects of addiction. Drug Rehab, therapists, and the family are mandatory in the process.

    Below are some common drug addiction treatment options for teens:

    1. Detox

    Drug dependence requires detox to rid teen bodies of the substance. This is the first step in the treatment process. Medical supervision is required to manage the withdrawal symptoms.

    2. Inpatient Rehab

    Indoor treatment in a rehab provides a structured environment. Patients receive treatment, therapy, and counseling sessions.

    3. Outpatient Treatment

     Outpatient programs allow teens to live at home while attending sessions. This is suitable for less severe addiction or post-inpatient treatment.

    4. Counseling and Therapy

    Teenagers with drug addiction can benefit from various treatment options. Below are some effective drug addiction treatment options for teens:

    • Personal and group sessions: These sessions allow teens to explore the underlying issues of their addiction. Therapists teach coping methods and strategies for managing cravings.
    • Therapy: It helps teens understand the root causes of their addiction. We use multiple therapies in this context. Every patient is different so is therapy.

    5. Family Therapy

    Family members in the treatment process are crucial for teens.

    Family therapy

    • Improves connection within the family
    • Addresses family issues that may contribute to the addiction
    • Rebuilds family bonds
    • Heals strained ties
    • Provides support for both the teen and their family members

    6. Support Groups

    Support groups can be beneficial for teenagers in recovery. Some options include:

    • 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
    • Other social support groups focused on addiction recovery

    Connection with peers fosters a sense of community and insight.

    7. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

    Medication treats co-occurring mental issues. Psychiatrists should monitor the use of medications in teens.

    8. Academic and Vocational Support

    Helping teens reintegrate into society after treatment is vital. This can involve:

    • Educational programs tailored to their needs
    • Job training events
    • Assistance with academic and career goals

    9. Aftercare Planning

    Aftercare planning is a crucial step in ongoing recovery. This may include:

    • Ongoing counseling or therapy sessions
    • Participation in support groups
    • Development of relapse prevention strategies

    10. Holistic Therapies

    Holistic approaches can address the well-being of teens in recovery. Some examples include:

    • Yoga and meditation for stress reduction
    • Art therapy as a creative outlet for emotions

    Drug addiction treatment options for teens vary depending on the Patient’s condition. It’s crucial to seek professional advice for the recovery journey.

    Visit our best drug rehab in Islamabad. We offer treatment programs tailored to the needs of each patient.

    Writing Credits

    Shahzad Choudhary

    Project  Director

    Gulf Addiction Treatment Center


    strategies to make treatment successful

    Strategies for Successful Addiction Treatment: A Guide to Recovery

    Crafting individualized treatment plans is the cornerstone of strategies to make treatment successful addiction recovery. At Gulf Addiction Treatment Center, we prioritize understanding each person’s unique needs to create a tailored roadmap to sobriety.

    Holistic Approach to Healing

    Successful treatment extends beyond addressing the substance abuse itself. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center adopts a holistic approach, considering physical, mental, and emotional aspects for comprehensive healing.

    Evidence-Based Therapies: A Roadmap to Recovery

    Utilizing evidence-based therapies ensures the effectiveness of addiction treatment. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center integrates proven therapeutic approaches, providing a structured and reliable roadmap to recovery.

    Dual Diagnosis: Addressing Underlying Issues

    Identifying and addressing underlying mental health issues is crucial for success. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center specializes in dual diagnosis, offering comprehensive solutions for both addiction and co-occurring disorders.

    Family Involvement and Support

    Incorporating families into the treatment process is vital for lasting recovery. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center emphasizes family involvement, fostering a supportive environment crucial for the individual’s success.

    Aftercare and Continued Support

    Ensuring a smooth transition post-treatment is essential. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center provides robust aftercare programs, offering continued support to individuals as they reintegrate into daily life.

    Relapse Prevention Strategies

    Equipping individuals with tools to prevent relapse is a key focus. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center employs personalized strategies, empowering individuals to navigate challenges and maintain long-term sobriety.

    Community Engagement and Peer Support

    Building a supportive community aids in strategies to make treatment successful recovery. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center encourages community engagement and peer support, fostering connections that contribute to ongoing sobriety.

    Education and Awareness Initiatives

    Knowledge is empowering. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center initiates educational programs, ensuring individuals and their families are equipped with information to make informed decisions throughout the recovery journey.

    Mindfulness and Wellness Practices

    Incorporating mindfulness and wellness practices enhances overall well-being. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center integrates these practices, promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle during and after treatment.

    Strategies for Successful Addiction Treatment: A Guide to Recovery Read More »