Drug Addiction Treatment in Pakistan is a very bold step by the family members of drug addicts due to financials hence Gulf Addiction Treatment Center in Islamabad being one of the premier drug rehab center understand its responsibility fully to educate the recovering addicts and their family members about the strategies to make the treatment successful which comprise development of long-term Post-Drug Rehab Recovery planning including:

  • Breaking Denial of the drug addict
  • Factual and scientific information about drug addiction
  • Development of a Post-Drug Rehab Recovery Plan
  • Relapse prevention planning

The above-mentioned steps are important but always under the supervision of drug addiction therapists hence comparatively easy to manage however post-addiction rehab is a critical time for recovering addicts and teaching certain do’s and don’ts can help support a successful transition to a healthier lifestyle. It’s important to note that each person’s journey is unique, so these suggestions may need to be tailored to individual needs. Always consult with healthcare professionals and addiction specialists for personalized advice. Below are some general do’s and don’ts:


Build a Support System

Do surround yourself with a strong support system of friends, family, and sober peers eventually, you will become one of them healthy, sober, and productive. Apart from that recovering addicts must attend support group meetings (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous) to stay connected with others in recovery.

Therapy and Counseling

Do continue with therapy or counseling to address underlying issues and develop coping strategies, we do provide counseling services in Islamabad to recovering addicts as per the planned schedule. In addition to that we provide family therapy services to rebuild relationships and foster understanding.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Do adopt a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a proper diet, and an early-to-bed routine to avoid unnecessary cravings and anxiety. In active drug addiction individuals with weed addiction, meth addiction, and ecstasy addiction do heavy partying hence staying up at night while the rest of the family members are sleeping will put extra pressure on their recovery, early to bed routine would help them skip such pressures. Do explore activities that promote mental and emotional well-being, such as meditation or mindfulness.

Set Realistic Goals

Do set achievable short-term and long-term goals as your goals keep you moving in the right direction and celebrate your accomplishments along the way. Do focus on personal growth and continuous improvement.

Create Structure

Do establish a daily routine to provide structure and reduce the risk of boredom or idleness. Addiction recovery can be a vicious cycle as following a structured routine may exhaust the recovering addict sometimes however this is the way forward, remember even baby steps can take you near to your ultimate destination of perpetual recovery. Do prioritize responsibilities like work or school to maintain a sense of purpose.

Learn Coping Skills

Do learn and practice healthy coping mechanisms for emotional triggers like stress and anxiety and environmental triggers like slippery people and slippery places. Do follow relapse prevention strategies for maintaining sobriety.


Isolate Yourself

Don’t isolate yourself; instead, stay connected to supportive friends and family. Don’t cut off follow-ups with your drug rehab or support groups.

Neglect Self-Care

Don’t neglect self-care. Prioritize physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Don’t ignore signs of stress or the emergence of addictive behavior. Get help promptly if needed.


Don’t become overconfident due to initial success in recovery. Acknowledge the ongoing need for support and vigilance. Don’t assume that completing rehabilitation guarantees recovery rather recovery is an ongoing process.

Return to Previous Environments

Don’t go back to environments or toxic relationships that may trigger cravings or jeopardize your sobriety. Avoid people and places connected with your drug addiction.

Neglecting Aftercare Plans

Don’t neglect sobriety plans tailored by your drug rehab center. Follow religiously the recommended activities and appointments. Post-acute withdrawal demands some medications hence don’t discontinue without consulting your addiction medicine specialist.

Avoiding Accountability

Don’t avoid accountability. Be honest with yourself and open with others about your struggles and achievements. Your low phase of addiction Post-Drug Rehab Recovery needs such a kind of support system.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed

Recovery is a lifelong journey, and staying committed to a healthy lifestyle and ongoing support is crucial. Seeking professional guidance and remaining vigilant can significantly contribute to long-term success in maintaining sobriety.

Incorporating yourself into the practical life after substance abuse treatment is the immediate goal of drug rehab. Post-Drug Rehab Recovery do’s and don’ts can provide the right guidance and support system to diminish the possibility of relapse.

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center is one of the best drug rehabilitation centers in Islamabad where the best psychiatric services and psychological counseling are being provided. Visit and enlighten yourself.

Writing Credits

Shahzad Choudhary

Project Director

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center and Psychiatric Care