Prescription Drug Addiction in Pakistan

substance abuse treatments


Substance Abuse among teens, school, and college students is on the rise in Pakistan. Every day we receive multiple calls from terrified parents who are in a state of shock after learning that their child is abusing substances. Almost all the higher secondary schools, colleges, and universities in and around the capital city of Islamabad are under attack from drug peddlers. The worrying development is that drug addiction among students is becoming a lifestyle. In elite schools and colleges, both boys and girls are equally indulged in substance abuse.

The side effects of drug addiction in students (teens) are multifaceted including physical damage more than adults since teen bodies are still growing, and academic damage as students may not secure good grades and may develop low self-esteem.

If you are the parent of a teenage child and noticing behavioral changes or suspect that your teenage child is abusing substances then this blog will help you understand how drug addiction affects education and how parents can prevent teens from using drugs.


After working for 25 years in one of the best substance abuse treatment centers in Islamabad and dealing with teen drug addicts and their families we have explored and experienced the below-mentioned reasons for teen drug addiction in Pakistan.

  • For Social Acceptance and peer pressure
  • To feel good feelings (to get high)
  • For Better Feeling (academic pressure, mental health)
  • For better athletic performance 
  • For Thrill and experimentation
  • Dysfunctional family (separation, single parent,  broken family)
  • Domestic violence in the family
  • Childhood trauma & difficult childhood
  • Family history of drug addiction
  • Rejection, ignorance, and violent behavior of the parent


Teens are normally carefree and not very diplomatic hence may exhibit symptoms of drug abuse immediately including mood swings, physical outlook, personal hygiene, change of hobbies, etc. upon noticing the symptoms parents must open all communication in a positive environment.

Behavioural signs of substance abuse in teens

  • Strained relationship with family
  • Change of friends
  • Change of hobbies and interests
  • Low attendance at school or college
  • Suspicious activities
  • Abnormal study or sleep pattern
  • High and low energy moods

Physical Signs

  • Weak immune system, frequent infections
  • At times Slurred speech
  • Nasal secretions or nasal bleeding
  • weight loss
  • Skin bruising
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Breathless and tired


The teenage brain is more vulnerable to substance abuse than adults as the teen brain and other body parts are still growing hence drug abuse may hamper normal growth patterns and teens may experience serious problems stemming from drug addiction. Below are some of the effective ways teens can be prevented from drug addiction.

Schools and college Support

Schools and colleges in Pakistan can play some serious in drug addiction prevention in teens by taking steps to cut the supplies of drugs in educational institutions. Furthermore, educational institutions can arrange psychological testing of students and teens which can also give hints about mental issues that may lead to drug addiction in the near future

Family Support

Early upbringing can play a vital role in shaping a teen’s future behaviour hence broken families, separated parents, domestic violence, rejection and ignorance by parents, and family drug history may pose serious psychological challenges to the teen.  Parents by not letting domestic issues impact the psychology of their children will do a huge favor to themselves and their kids. Apart from that families by providing support and an open discussion window to their teens may prevent challenges like drug addiction.

Medical Support

If parents notice apparent signs of teen drug use the immediate next action should be to visit the doctor for further confirmation, contact school or college counselors, and most importantly get in touch with substance abuse treatment centers. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center treats drug addiction of teens as a separate sub-specialty and while treating them, considers underlying mental conditions apart from substance abuse treatment.


There are various kinds of substance abuse treatments available in Pakistan, however, drug addiction treatment for teens is a susceptible matter. According to our experience drug addiction treatment for teens in Pakistan is not taken as sensitively as it should be. Treating them with middle-aged or adult patients may expose them to sexual abuse, unnatural friendships, and learning about other drugs. Treatment programs for teens should be individualized and may match teenage needs including drug detoxification, cognitive behavioral therapy, and family therapy, since teens are still growing to utilize their behavioral flexibility wonders can be achieved.

Family therapy

It is very therapeutic that families inform the teen on how his drug addiction affects his family including preteen siblings, Gulf Addiction Treatment Center provides that conducive platform. Apart from that, teen patients and families may engage in relationship-building activities where the family can build an environment where honest conversation, mental health issues, study pressures, likes and dislikes may be addressed in the treatment center and at home later on.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioural therapy addresses teen drug use by identifying the behaviors that were dragging the teen towards drug addiction and learning new and healthy ways of coping with high-risk situations, peer pressures, academic pressure, domestic issues, etc.

12 steps treatment program

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center in Islamabad provides precious training in a 12-step treatment program to teens during which they learn the necessary tools and techniques to quit substance abuse in the future, how to gain perpetual sobriety, and how to avoid relapse.

Finding the best Teen Drug Addiction Treatment Center in Islamabad is quite challenging. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center and Psychiatric Care have the unique pride of treating hundreds of teens with drug addiction and returning them to their normal lives.  Visit our drug rehab and enlighten yourself

Writing Credits:

Shahzad Choudhary

Project Director

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center & Psychiatric Care

+92 300 1561495


Best Rehabilitation Center

Unlocking a New Chapter of Wellness: Choosing the Best Rehabilitation Center

Choosing the right rehabilitation center is a critical step toward reclaiming a life free from addiction or physical challenges. In this article, we delve into the essential aspects of finding the Best Rehabilitation treatment Center in Islamabad, specifically tailored for those seeking recovery in the Gulf Addiction Treatment Center.

Understanding the Importance of Rehabilitation Centers

Rehabilitation centers play a pivotal role in fostering recovery, addressing addiction issues, and promoting overall well-being. Discovering the best facility ensures a comprehensive and tailored approach to individual needs.

Key Features of a Top-notch Rehabilitation Center

1. Holistic Approach to Recovery

A premier rehabilitation center adopts a holistic approach, acknowledging the interconnectedness of mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Comprehensive programs that address these facets increase the likelihood of successful recovery.

2. Expert Medical and Therapeutic Team

The backbone of any rehabilitation center lies in its team of professionals. Look for a facility with experienced medical staff and therapists, ensuring personalized care that aligns with individual requirements.

3. State-of-the-Art Facilities

The environment plays a crucial role in the recovery process. The Best Rehabilitation Treatment Centers in Islamabad offer modern and comfortable facilities, fostering a conducive atmosphere for healing and growth.

The Impact of Choosing the Best Rehabilitation Center

Selecting the best rehabilitation treatment center in Islamabad is a decision that can significantly impact the recovery journey. A supportive environment, expert guidance, and tailored programs contribute to successful outcomes.

Why Support Matters: A Personal Note

In conclusion, the journey to recovery begins with the crucial choice of the right rehabilitation center. By prioritizing a holistic approach, experienced professionals, and modern facilities, individuals can pave the way toward a healthier, more fulfilling life. Take that first step towards a brighter future by choosing the best rehabilitation treatment center tailored to your unique needs, such as the Gulf Addiction Treatment Center.

Unlocking a New Chapter of Wellness: Choosing the Best Rehabilitation Center Read More »