Premier drug detox & Psychiatric Services in Islamabad

Providing the best drug detox and psychiatric services in our drugs rehab Islamabad focused on helping patients manage craving and withdrawal symptoms associated with drug use disorders.

Medical detox or Drug Detox refers to freeing the body of hazardous toxins accumulated during drug addiction; it is done under the guidance and supervision of a team of competent medical personnel including addiction medicine doctors, Psychiatrists etc. Our drugs rehab uses advanced medication-aided detox overseen by medical practitioners during detoxification.

What is Drug Detoxification?

It is the process of quitting chemical dependency while managing withdrawal symptoms, which might frustrate the patients’ efforts to maintain sobriety. In most cases, detoxification attempts at home to quit substance abuse are followed by severe and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, often leading to relapse. Hence always opt for the best rehab and psychiatric services for health and safety reasons

Our team of medical professionals in our drugs rehab in Islamabad helps manage withdrawal symptoms. This way, the patient feels safe and comfortable enough to focus on recovery without the risk of relapsing.

Premier drug detox & Psychiatric Services in Islamabad


Drugs Detox and Withdrawal Symptoms

Before entering treatment, it’s critical to know what to expect during drug detox. As a person’s body adjusts to life without the substance, they will experience withdrawal symptoms.  It can take days or even weeks to manage these symptoms. The intensity of withdrawals will range from moderate to severe depending on the drug abused, duration of abuse, and presence of co-occurring disorders.

The following are some of the most common drug withdrawal symptoms;

  • Anxiety
  • Mood changes
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Feeling depressed
  • Sweating
  • Feeling restless
  • Changes in blood pressure or heart rate

Who Needs Drugs Detox?

If you have been battling drug addiction or substance abuse and all attempts to quit have failed, you should consider seeking medical detoxification intervention. Self-help drugs detox approaches are rarely successful, especially for chronic users.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance abuse problem, get expert help at a reputable drug detox and psychiatric services center.

Detox Programs at Gulf Addiction Treatment Center

The majority of clients who enter treatment for drug-related issues will require medical detoxification or drug detoxification. We offer a drug detox program focused on helping patients manage craving and withdrawal symptoms associated with drug use disorders.

We also offer customized nursing care that addresses the unique detoxification needs of each client. As a bonus, our patients are also assessed and treated for co-occurring mental health issues.

Whether the patient is suffering from Heroin, Ice, Cannabis, Opium, opioid injections, alcohol or any other substance addiction, we are providing the best rehab and psychiatric services and can help him get back on track. Our objective is to assist him in achieving sobriety by providing professional medical detox as the first stage in the addiction recovery journey. Come visit us at your convenience and enlighten yourself 

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