Breaking Free from Marijuana Addiction

Introduction of Cannabis

Cannabis has several street names such as Marijuana, Weed, Pot, Joint, Ganja, Garda, Herb, Charas, Hashish and Mary Jane. Out of 7 million drug addicts in Pakistan, around 4 million are addicted to cannabis. Cannabis is a very potent psychoactive drug that is smoked all over Pakistan, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and other urban areas such as Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Apart from that Marijuana oil addiction is on the rise as well which is being sold as safe oil however poses similar threats.

Cannabis or Marijuana is normally smoked in paper rolls (joints) or in pipe, capsules and vapes.

Effects of Cannabis Addiction

Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD), also known as charas addiction, is the use of cannabis despite adverse consequences. Long-term cannabis use can induce both major pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic changes.

Pharmacodynamics is basically how cannabis interacts with the target body cells, while pharmacokinetics deals with how the drug is absorbed, metabolized, and excreted. These changes increase the tolerance and the body needs more doses of cannabis to achieve the same effect.  Other effects of marijuana addiction are

  • Cannabis may cause psychosis (cannabis induced psychosis) where the abuser starts experiencing altered consciousness and hallucination.
  • High probability of road accidents due to reduced coordination and low consciousness.
  • Sensory deformation
  • Weak immune system and frequent illnesses like flu, colds, and bronchitis
  • Abnormal cell structure
  • Reduction in testosterone level and impairment in the sexual system.
  • Lungs of charas addicts show signs of weakness, frequent breathlessness
  • Increase in blood pressure, heart rate and chances of heart attack
  • Weed users may experience depression due to poor functioning of the brain’s reward system

Marijuana oil Addiction

Marijuana oil Addiction Treatment

Our experience of 25 years has shown that the vast majority of drug addicts who check into the rehabilitation center for the treatment of heroin or ice addiction started their drug addiction from cannabis use, later on, became cannabis addicts and due to the development of tolerance they couldn’t get the same effect from charas smoking hence moved to higher drugs hence we can say that cannabis is one of the most commonly abused illegal drugs in Pakistan.

Those who stick to charas addiction and develop major side effects which we have discussed above enter into charas addiction treatment center mostly with charas induced psychosis their treatment strategy includes

  • Cannabis Addict Intervention
  • Marijuana detox, withdrawal management
  • Psychiatric evaluation diagnosis and medication
  • Psychotherapeutic support mainly Cognitive Behavioural therapy
  • 12-step treatment program training
  • Counselling Sessions in groups, individually or with family

However it is very critical to note that the effectiveness of cannabis addiction treatment depends upon the kind of treatment you have chosen, research and studies has proved the effectiveness of indoor treatment of cannabis addiction. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center is fully equipped to provide the best cannabis addiction treatment center in Islamabad. We have trained Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Paramedics, Yoga Teachers and Spiritual healers along with other indoor facilities.

Cannabis Treatment Center for Teens and Youths

Teenagers experience unusual challenges when struggling with drug addiction because they are still underdeveloped and growing. It is supremely important that you choose the right marijuana addiction treatment center for your teenage child that matches his unique needs. It is also very pertinent to note that teenagers should be around teenagers while in rehabilitation center to avoid any chances of abuse or learning a few more addictive things.

According to multiple researches, Inpatient marijuana treatment is the best option for teenagers suffering from marijuana addiction disorder.

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