the effects of weather on mental health

December in Islamabad and its surrounding areas is very cold and which means while enjoying the festivities of cold weather including Christmas there can be some negative Effects of Weather on Mental Health including colds, dry skin and eyes, restricted movement & exercise, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).


The exact reason for seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is not known yet but the scientific explanation is that weather-related hormone changes impact or trigger mood-related issues, especially during the winter season because since the daylight is less, lesser exposure to sunlight may cause hormonal imbalance, which the Effects of Weather on Mental Health and mood.


Below are some of the known negative effects of winter on mood

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Some people experience a type of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder during the winter season.  Research has shown that the major mood-stabilizing neurotransmitter serotonin was found 5% less in winter than in summer. This condition is believed to be linked to reduced exposure to sunlight and fewer physical activities.

Reduced Sunlight Exposure

Winter days are shorter in Pakistan in general and there is less sunlight. Sunlight exposure plays a crucial role in regulating mood and the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood stabilization. Reduced sunlight can contribute to feelings of sadness or lethargy.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Since days are small and foggy there is less exposure to sunlight, which increases the risk of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is important for overall health, and low levels have been linked to mood disorders.


Cold weather and harsh conditions restrict people at home, limiting social interactions. Reduced socialization can enhance feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can negatively the Effects of Weather on Mental Health.

Disruption of Routine

Short days and foggy weather can disrupt daily routines and activities. Reduced outdoor activities and exercise, may contribute to a decline in overall well-being and worsening of already existing health conditions.

Patients with chronic disorders

People who are known patients of chronic disorders including psychiatric disorders may experience more difficulties. Recovering addicts who have gone through drug addiction treatment may experience difficulties in coping with post-acute withdrawal symptoms and cravings due to little to no activities in extreme weather conditions. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center is one of the best drug rehabilitation center in Islamabad providing aftercare and follow-up services utilizing digital technology including online psychiatric evaluation and online therapeutic sessions with psychologists.

Holiday Stress

School Holidays, annual holidays and Christmas holidays bring joy and celebration, but they can also bring stress. The pressure to meet expectations, difficulty in meeting expenditures, and family dynamics can contribute to increased stress levels.

Financial Strain

The holiday and festive season often involves increased spending on gifts and travel, causing financial stress. This stress can contribute to anxiety and negatively impact mental health.

Cold and Flu Season

The winter season starting from November to March in Pakistan brings an increased risk of illnesses including cold, flu, dengue, fever etc. Physical health and mental health are closely linked, and being sick can contribute to feelings of fatigue and mood disturbances.


Below are some of the health tips to avoid the negative effects of winters on mental health

Plenty of sunlight

Whenever possible expose yourself to sunlight to regulate the body’s internal clock and elevate mood eventually

Keep Moving and Exercise

Keeping the body moving and exercising even 15 minutes a day can have a major positive impact on the mood. Exercise may kill stress hormones, elevate mood, and help in getting good sleep at night. There are several ways to stay fit in winter including indoor exercises, healthy eating, enough sleeping etc.

Stay Connected

Covid-19 lockdowns have taught us how important it is to stay connected and how important it is to reach out to your support system. Several studies have unearthed the importance of staying connected and social interaction to reduce the negative impact of winter on mental health.

Meditation and mindfulness

Medication before going to bed or first thing in the morning has proven to reduce stress and anxiety, clearing the mind and a person can start the day on a fresh note full of energy and positivity. Medication can be learned by watching guided meditation videos.

Seeking Medical Help

Upon realizing the worsening of the existing or seasonal impact of weather on mental health beyond control, medical help can be sought. Seek medical help when you

  • Feel depressed all the time
  • Lost interest in hobbies you used to enjoy
  • Feeling hopeless and unimportant
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Lack of concentration

Most of the people in Pakistan enjoy the winter season however some may experience disturbances as mentioned above and may need some strategies to cope with stress and anxiety. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center and Psychiatric Care offers Psychiatric OPD in Islamabad 07 days a week. Get the appointment and our best psychiatrist in Islamabad will help you to overcome the effect of weather on mental health.

Come visit and enlighten yourself

Writing Credits

Shahzad Choudhary

Dr. Areeb Berkat

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center

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