The Impact of Obesity on Mental Health

Obesity has a multifaceted impact on mental health. Population in developing countries like Pakistan face severe health challenges and a major portion of those health challenges are due to obesity and unhealthy food habits. Perhaps Pakistan is the only country where next door to every major restaurant is a diagnostic lab, but still, people don’t adopt healthy food habits. In this blog, we will explore the relationship between food and mood. Reading this blog will enable you to answer below burning questions below

Signs and symptoms of poor nutrition or unhealthy food habits

Relationship between obesity and mental health

How does obesity cause depression?

How does obesity affect behavior?

Does obesity cause diabetes and other chronic diseases?

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center is one of the best mental health facility in Islamabad, We understand that the relationship between obesity and mental health is complex and multifaceted that’s why we have made yoga exercise and a healthy menu a mandatory part of our indoor treatment program for drug addiction and psychiatric disorders. Below are some ways in which obesity can influence mental health:

Body Image and Self-Esteem

People with obesity may face societal stigmatization, bullying, and negative stereotypes, leading to poor body image and low self-esteem. In the era of social media where pictures of obese people can be trolled, this can contribute to feelings of shame, guilt, and social isolation.

Obesity and Depression

Scientific research has proved the relationship between obesity and depression. The social and psychological consequences of obesity, such as discrimination and stigma, can contribute to the development of depressive symptoms.  According to statistics about 43% of adults with depression have obesity. Obesity causes diabetes, hypertension, joint pain, and other chronic diseases, chronicity of disease is the cause of depression. In one of the best rehabilitation centers in Rawalpindi, we treat patients of depression holistically in psychiatric OPD and indoor psychiatric treatment of psychiatric disorders.


There is a significant relationship between Obesity and anxiety, possibly due to concerns about body image, health implications, and societal judgment. The lack of physical agility connected with obesity may also cause anxiety.

Social Isolation and Loneliness

Obese individuals may experience social isolation and loneliness, as they may avoid social events due to fear of judgment or negative comments. This social withdrawal can impact mental health negatively.

Cognitive Function

There is a correlation between obesity and cognitive impairments, including deficits in memory and executive functioning. These cognitive impairments may affect the individual’s ability to perform daily tasks and engage in social activities, leaving the person frustrated and stressed

Sleep Disorders

Obesity and Insomnia are intertwined, obesity causes sleep disturbances, and sleep disturbances cause weight gain due to the production of stress hormones. Sleep disturbance is due to the development of soft tissues in the air passage causing snoring and sleep apnea. Poor quality of sleep can lead to mood disturbances, irritability, and difficulties in concentration, all of which can impact mental health. Yoga postures can improve breathing and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

Brain Structure and Function

Obesity has been linked to changes in brain structure and function. Research suggests that obesity may contribute to alterations in the brain’s reward system, The small intestine overproduces serotonin which can affect mood and contribute to conditions like addiction and emotional eating.

Medical Conditions and Medication Side Effects

Obesity is often associated with various medical conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The physical health challenges and potential side effects of medications employed to manage obesity-related conditions can deteriorate mental health.

Conclusively the impact of obesity on mental health is bidirectional, meaning that mental health issues can also contribute to obesity. Addressing both physical and mental health aspects through a holistic approach that includes lifestyle changes, psychological support, and medical interventions can be beneficial while dealing with obesity and mental health challenges connected with obesity. We are one of the best drug addiction treatment centers in Rawalpindi & Islamabad. We also maintain a psychiatric ward in our rehab for the treatment of mental health issues and disorders.

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Writing Credits

Shahzad Choudhary

Project Director

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center

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