youth mental health services

Substance Abuse and Mental health issues among teens are on the rise in Pakistan. Daily, we get calls from frightened parents shocked to discover their child’s substance abuse. Drug peddlers target schools and colleges in Islamabad. The worrying development is that drug addiction among students is becoming a lifestyle. Both boys and girls in elite schools and colleges indulge in substance abuse.

The side effects of drug addiction in students (teens) are multifaceted. Physical damage in teens is more than in adults since teen bodies are still growing. Academic damage is significant as students may not secure good grades and may develop low self-esteem.

This blog helps parents of teens with substance abuse or mental health issues.  Better insight would help prevent and acquire youth mental health services.


We have worked for 25 years in one of Islamabad’s best youth mental health services centers. We have experienced the below-mentioned reasons for mental health issues and drug addiction in teens.

  • Social Acceptance and peer pressure
  • Get good feelings
  • Better Feeling (academic pressure, mental health)
  • Better athletic performance
  • Thrill
  • Dysfunctional family (separation, single parent,  broken family)
  • Domestic violence in the family
  • Childhood trauma & difficult childhood
  • Family history of drug addiction
  • Rejection, ignorance, and violent behavior of the parent


Teens are carefree and may exhibit symptoms of drug abuse instantly. Symptoms may include mood swings, physical outlook, personal hygiene, and change of hobbies. Parents should communicate in a positive environment upon noticing symptoms.

Behavioral signs

  • Strained relationship with family
  • Change of friends
  • Shift of hobbies and interests
  • Low attendance at school or college
  • Suspicious activities
  • Abnormal study or sleep pattern
  • High and low energy moods

Physical Signs

  • Weak immune system, frequent infections
  • At times Slurred speech
  • Nasal secretions or nasal bleeding
  • weight loss
  • Skin bruising
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Breathless and tired


Teen brains, still developing, are more prone to substance abuse, potentially disrupting normal growth. They may experience serious problems stemming from drug addiction. Below are some effective ways to prevent drug addiction.

Schools and College Support

Schools and colleges can help prevent teen drug addiction by cutting drug supply on campuses. Academic institutions can conduct cognitive testing of students, and identify mental health issues linked to drug addiction.

Family Support

Early upbringing can play a vital role in shaping a teen’s future behavior. Adverse family situations can create psychological challenges for teens. Parents should shield children from domestic issues for their well-being. Families can also prevent drug addiction in teens by offering support and open discussions.

Medical Support

Parents should see a doctor to notice signs of teen drug use or psychiatric issues. Contacting a student counselor, or psychologist is advisable. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center treats drug addiction and youth mental health issues.


Youth mental health services are available in Pakistan, but teenage treatment is a sensitive matter. Treating young ones alongside older patients may risk exposing them to sexual abuse, inept ties, and drug use. Treatment programs for teens should be individualized and may match teenage needs. It may include drug detox, CBT, and family therapy. 

Family therapy

It is therapeutic that families inform the teen on how his drug addiction affects his family. Young patients and families can engage to foster ties and open talks about mental health and concerns during treatment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral therapy addresses teen drug use by identifying the problematic behaviors. CBT helps in coping with high-risk situations, peer pressures, academic pressure, domestic issues etc.

12 steps treatment program

We provide precious training in a 12-step treatment program for teens. They learn the necessary tools and techniques to quit substance abuse and cope with mental health issues. 

Finding the best youth mental health services in Islamabad is quite challenging. Gulf Addiction Treatment Center and Psychiatric Care has unique pride in treating hundreds of teens with drug addiction and psychiatric issues. Visit our drug rehab and enlighten yourself

Writing Credits:

Shahzad Choudhary

Project Director

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center & Psychiatric Care

+92 300 1561495

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