drug addiction treatment methods

Deciding on the appropriate treatment is a major decision. Pakistan is a country where quacks rule the drug addiction treatment methods sector. People from all walks of life are equally affected by drug addiction.

Since all income groups are affected, financials are a major consideration. Drug addiction treatment is an expensive exercise, as we all know. Insurance companies are hesitant to insure this treatment too. Finance must not affect the method of drug addiction treatment. Patients are different, so the treatment method should not be either.

Below are some major drug addiction treatment methods.

Drug Addiction Treatment Methods

Drug addiction affects some patients faster than others. Teens experience more effects than adults. Addictive behaviour and physical damage may become part of their nature. Hence, treating drug addiction requires a completely tailor-made approach. The approach must address the physical and mental aspects of addiction. Engaging family, rehab, and a psychiatrist is important.


Patients with heavy drug dependence may require detox. This is typically the first step in the treatment process. Withdrawal symptoms and management should be under medical supervision.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient treatment in a rehab facility provides a supervised environment. Patients receive intensive treatment, therapy, and counselling. This kind of treatment is for heavily dependent people. Inpatient rehab is one of the most effective treatment methods.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient programmes allow patients to live at home while attending therapy. This is suitable for less severe addiction or post-inpatient rehab.

Counselling and therapy

Therapy and counselling help patients explore the underlying causes of addiction. Mainly, CBT and MET are used in drug rehabs.

Family Therapy

The support of family members in the treatment process is crucial. It improves communication, and ties, and supports patients and families.

Support Groups

Support groups like NA or peer support can aid in perpetual sobriety. Connecting with like-minded peers builds community and empathy.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medication treats withdrawal and mental health conditions. Psychiatrists closely monitor patients taking medication.

Academic and vocational support

Such support helps teens reintegrate into society. This can include academic programmes and job training.

Aftercare Planning

An aftercare plan supports ongoing recovery from addiction. This may involve counselling, support groups, and relapse prevention strategies. Aftercare is the most crucial step in perpetual recovery. 

Holistic Therapies

Yoga, meditation, and art therapy improve overall well-being. The treatment plan should be tailored to the individual’s needs. Professional advice is crucial in determining the most effective drug addiction treatment methods.

Visit Gulf Addiction Treatment Centre and Psychiatric Care. We are one of the best drug rehabilitation Centers in Islamabad.  

Writing Credits

Shahzad Choudhary

Project Director

Gulf Addiction Treatment Center      

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